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Latest updates from the campaign:

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 12:02 AM

Pullman League of Women Voters Candidate Forum Video

Last night was Dr. Pam's first Washington State Representative 9th Legislative District candidate forum. If you live in the 9th LD, or even if you don't but are interested in supporting Dr. Pam and learning more about issues in Eastern Washington, please watch this 1 hour recording provided by eh Pullman League of Women Voters. Ballots drop this week so PLEASE remember to vote!!

Sunday, July 14, 2024 3:56 PM

Spokane County Voters Guide 2024


Ballots will be mailed this coming week and are due back by August 6th. PLEASE VOTE!!!

Sunday, June 9, 2024 8:55 AM

Do you reside within the redistricting boundaries of the 9th legislative district?

Map of the 9th District
Ballotpedia - Redistricting in Washginton after the 2020 Census


Saturday, June 8, 2024 6:44 AM


For decades, Dr. Pam has looked up to Pastor Carol, who previously served as her pastor and remains a dear friend. Pastor Carol is the one who inspired Dr. Pam to go to law school and has advised he through life's challenges. Nothing has been more challenging than the death of one of Dr. Pam's children. Pastor Carol has helped Dr. Pam recognize that her grief can be channeled into an evolving purpose. That purpose is evolving into doing all she can to help other families access the care they need when they need it.

Friends of Dr Pam Kohlmeier
PO Box 40203
Spokane WA 99220-0203
509-590-6885 (candidate)
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