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Watch Dr. Pam provide her thoughts on the Opioid Crisis at the Pullman League of Women Voters Candidate Forum




See the full forum here


When elected, Dr. Pam will focus on the following:

  • Combating the Opioid Crisis.  Patients need ready access to easily affordable medication assisted treatment. The opioid epidemic has created a public health emergency that needs to be addressed now. Dr. Pam will help ensure that the state is making treatment available when it is needed and that lack of insurance is not a barrier to receiving care. Dr. Pam will also focus on going upstream to not just respond to those who are already addicted but focus on preventing addiction by ramping up access to mental health services.
  • Improving Access to Mental Health Services.  Currently 1 in 3 suffer from symptoms of a mental illness such as depression and anxiety. This may include ourselves, our friends, and our family members. Our mental health system was already not meeting the needs of our community, and post-pandemic this has significantly worsened. Dr. Pam will do all she can to improve access to mental health services. Care provided by psychologists and psychiatrists is often effectively done using telemedicine in the privacy of our own homes and without driving long distances. Additionally, ensuring access to telehealth expands the pool of providers so patients are not limited to providers who are within driving distance.
  • Addressing the Housing Crisis.   Homelessness has numerous contributing factors which are unique to each unhoused individual, even though there are often common themes like a need for mental health services, addiction services, or fleeing from domestic violence. There are no simple solutions that work for all. Extending compassion to unhoused individuals and working closely with local communities to create viable housing options will help improve the health of these individuals AND also our community.

Friends of Dr Pam Kohlmeier
PO Box 40203
Spokane WA 99220-0203
509-590-6885 (candidate)
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